Why Impeach Bush and Cheney?
This section describes the various impeachable offenses commited by Bush and Cheney, and tells why Congress should impeach them.
Summary of Impeachable Offenses
Lied about Threat from Iraq
Lied about Uranium from Niger
Lied about Aluminum Tubes
Lied about Congress having Same Information as Bush
Illegal Wiretaps
Torture of Prisoners
Violated International Law
Talking Points
These Talking Points are rebuttals to commonly used arguments.
Crimes - Bush has committed impeachable offenses.
Political - Bush should be impeached now for those crimes.
State and City - Arguments for State Legislators or City Councils.
Other Talking Points
"Impeachment Talking Points", ten impeachable offenses on AfterDowningStreet.org
Talking Points for Local Resolutions from Vermont (see bottom of page)
Talking Points from Charlottesville VA, Center for Peace and Justice
2 page Talking Points and FAQ from Cape Cod Peace and Justice
Other Arguments
If we can't impeach him, then Bush Should Resign
Bush's Policies make the United States Less Secure
Bush had No Legal Authority to Attack Iraq, Analysis of HJR114
There were Viable Alternatives to Attacking Iraq
Bush Should Not Attack Iraq (an anti-war argument revisited)